Category Archives: Stores and Shopping

100 Monkeyz

This website has been created to promote the latest book by Tirtha dasa (T.A. Drescher) entitled “100 Monkeyz”. The book is a memoir in the form of short stories and includes the author’s experience in Viet Nam, his re-entry into civilian life in the late 1960’s and his introduction to Krishna consciousness.

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Balance Ayurvedic

ISKCON Health and Welfare Ministry
Worldwide Business Opportunity for Distribution of top quality Ayurvedic herbal preparations. Balance Ayurvedic Products, located in California, USA, is seeking business partnerships in all countries (except India). All the products are manufactured in USA. Their assigned distributors get exceptionally competitive pricing and excellent customer service. No minimum quantity requirements for purchase. To contact the owner of the site please write to

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Bhakti Vedanta Book Trust

The official website of the Bhakti Vedanta Book Trust, publishers of timeless, transcendental classics and introductory texts on Bhakti yoga, meditation, karma, reincarnation, and vegetarianism.

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Bhakti Vedanta Library Services

Bhakti Vedanta Library Services
The official website of Bhakti Vedanta Library Services, which is a non-profit organisation established for the sole purpose of facilitating the propagation and preservation of the transcendental knowledge propounded in the life and teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

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