A website containing Software, Consultation and Training facilities related to Vedic Astrology. Visit www.vedicsoftware.com |
A website containing Software, Consultation and Training facilities related to Vedic Astrology. Visit www.vedicsoftware.com |
The official website of Dancing Ganesh, a small software business founded in 2009. It presents a software of Pocket Vedas. Visit www.dancingganesh.co.uk |
The official website of Gopal Web Design, which designs flyers, brochures, and business cards for non-profit groups. Visit www.gopalwebdesign.com |
The official website of Govindaware which produces devotional Mini Pocket Games based on the teachings of The Hindu culture. Visit www.govindaware.com |
The official website of Krishna Software Incorporation, which is mainly dedicated to producing computer programs on CDs that are helpful to human society in becoming happy and peaceful. Its research and development focuses on multimedia CD presentations on spiritual subjects. Visit www.krishnasoft.com |
The official website of The Bhaktivedanta VedaBase 2011.1 version. Visit www.info.vedabase.com |
The official website where you can download the latest versions of the Vaisnava Calender events’ Reminder software. Visit Site www.vreminder.tripod.com |
A wonderful website created to inspire each other by sharing the number of rounds chanted daily. It has a special “Japa Care” software for the same. The site also contains some very simple and basic ways which anyone can follow and learn for devotional life.(For e.g. Health tips, Mridanga learning, kirtan tunes, cooking etc.) Visit www.waytohappylife.com |